The first ski resorts are already opening their gates, high time for our tips:

Effective protection of customers and employees:
Thanks to Skipline I Check-In, the time customers spend inside your store is significantly reduced, which in turn contributes to the effective protection of your customers and employees.
Barcode Check-In:
Your customers will receive a barcode that you can simply scan in the store. Customer identification has never been so easy.
Location-independent check-in:
Skipline Check-In works on your customers’ smartphones, completely location-independent.
Quick setup:
With Skipline | Check-In you have no setup effort at all. Send us a short message and we will activate the function for you within the shortest possible time.
Individual Check-In Page:
With Skipline | Check-In you get your own check-in page, which you can also pass on to partner hotels, for example.
S|R Direct Link:
Your customers send their data directly and without detours to SIR Rental. Customer data is available directly in the store after check-in. The transfer takes only a few seconds.
For more information, visit: https://skipline.info/checkin/

Whether for handing out, returning sports equipment or in between – for hygiene and odor neutralization we recommend the Swissmade “AraBon”.
The combination of active ingredients on a largely vegetable basis ensures both impeccable hygiene of the treated objects and efficient odor neutralization.
We have long included AraBon in our product range and actively use it.
The product is available from us in the 20 liter or 5 liter variant. You can find more information here.

From November 2020, a new chapter in Daniela’s life will open outside SR GmbH.
We thank Daniela for her work and appreciate the service she has provided for us. Furthermore, we wish her all the best for the future and as we all know, the world is sometimes very small and you will surely run into each other.
In the future Jasmin Sauer, who you already know from the support, will be your contact person for administrative questions.
Thank you for continuing to submit support requests via the SR-CH taskbar or this link so that we can comply with the legal requirements.
We are always happy to answer any questions you may have! Do not hesitate to contact us!

SR GmbH I Dorfstrasse 6 I 3792 Saanen I Switzerland I T +41 (0)33 748 83 13
administration@salesrental.ch I salesrental.ch I YouTube I Social Media
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