Dear business partners.
Full of anticipation we expect a snowy winter season.
We would like to point out that there are currently delivery bottlenecks in the IT area. Delays must be expected. To avoid prolonged breakdowns of PCs, printers and other hardware in the middle of the season, we recommend checking them now.
If you have any questions about this, please contact us with a support request via SR-CH-Taskbar or under the following link with the note “Hardware check“: Support request

Do you still handle service processing the old-fashioned way?
Or have you already replaced the handwritten notes with service labels?
The S|R software supports you according to your needs. Be it with the simple printing of service labels, process management with the S|R Process or
of the S|R Service Pro solution.
May we help you to optimize your service processes?
Contact us for this with a support request using SR-CHTaskbar
or under Support Request, with the note: “Service Optimization“.

Did you know that the data already recorded in the S|R software can easily be transferred to the insurance forms of our partners and thus save a lot of time and paper?
can be saved?
The only requirement is the username and password of your insurance partner, as well as a request to us via SR-CH-Taskbar or under Support Request, with the note Insurance “Insurance“.

Fancy communication of a different kind?
Our digital shop window for your customers can be used flexibly.
In addition to products, events, promotions, advertising, etc. can also be shown on our Profile TVs.
If you have any questions, please contact us with a support request via SR-CH-Taskbar or under support request, with the note: “PTV“.
If you have any questions about our topics, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are at your disposal and wish you further successful business!
Your sr team.

SR GmbH I Dorfstrasse 6 I 3792 Saanen I Switzerland I T +41 (0)33 748 83 13
administration@salesrental.ch I salesrental.ch I YouTube I Social Media